an evening curated by Eric Thielemans with: Jorgen Cassier, Jean-Yves Evrard, Peter Jacquemyn, Rudy Trouvé, Jozef Dumoulin, Lucio Capece, Louise Landes Levi, Sigrid Tanghe and Tom De Witte and I H8 Camera.
"Asked by Rob Leurentop to curate an evening for the festival Follow the
Sound, I immediately thought of the Scheld'Apen as the perfect spot to
host 'my evening'. Its dilapidated warehouse perfectly suits the evening
I had in mind: bringing sound artists with a strong creative vision
together around a campfire as it were with the public surrounding them,
listening to their various stories. Metaphorically speaking, I envisaged
a ritual gathering of musical shamen with the village eavesdropping.
This setting will create the freedom I think is needed by the artists,
and the public. Artists, I hope, will be able to openly share their
story without the constraint of climbing the stage to give another top
performance. The members of the audience will be allowed to relax,and
'just listen' instead of intensely concentrating on the top performance
just mentioned. As if one would listen to an iPod of a close friend on
shuffle. Not only have I invited musicians to - further - ensure an
exciting output of the get-together. Artists will be invited to get
inspired by each other's stories and collaborate with them on the spot.
To follow each other's sound as it were. I will take on the role of some
master of ceremony, at times indicating who is to speak/play, and what
combinations are formed or allowing things to just happen and watch and
listen. Of course, I will also take part in some of these improvised
groups." Eric Thielemans
Jozef Dumoulin-piano & keyboards
Alexander Berne - saxofoons
Polyfoon koor Graindelavoix
Eric Thielemans - drums
OORWERK supports contemporary aural artists. OORWERK wishes to
facilitate research, development of artistic vision and the construction
of a body of work. Elementary to OORWERK are: the ear as creative
starting point and introspective curiosity. OORWERK artists should thus
constantly address fundamental questions regarding the creation,
production and reception of their work to guarantee integrity and
authenticity. As a result the output of OORWERK will be manifold
(concerts, cd's, installations, performances, books), and combinations
of different art forms will frequently occur.
hoe werken de feeds?